The Players screen is accessed from the Create New Game screen during game creation.
The Players screen is divided into the following sections:
- Fictional Player Settings
- Traditional OOTP Player Creation Modifiers
- Sabermetric Player Creation Modifiers
Note: The above links will not work from within the in-game browser. However, they all simply link to sections lower in this page, so just scroll down to find the appropriate section.
Fictional Player Settings[edit | edit source]
Fictional Player Settings give you flexibility in defining your player population.
Option | Description |
Created Age Minimum | By default, OOTP creates players with a mix of ages appropriate for baseball. You can use this setting to set a specific minimum age for players created in your league. Set to 0 for no age minimums. You must set both this and the Age Max, or both values will be ignored. |
Created Age Maximum | By default, OOTP creates players with a mix of ages appropriate for baseball. You can use this setting to set a specific maximum age for players created in your league. Set to 0 for no age maximums. You must set both this and the Age Max, or both values will be ignored. |
Default Player Origin | During the creation of your league, OOTP generates players for your league. The default player origin setting determines what percent of the players in your league will come from various nations. Clicking the "Edit" button will bring up a screen that allows you to specify the exact composition of your starting player pool. The setting can be adjusted for every country in the world, down to two decimal places, so any country with better than a 1 in 10,000 chance of producing a player should can have its own settings. Additionally, a percentage of the player pool can be set to have a nationality chosen randomly, allowing for very rare nationalities to be represented. |
Amateur Draft Pool Origin | This setting operates the same as the default player origin setting, but affects the players generated for annual player drafts (if enabled). |
Traditional OOTP Player Creation Modifiers[edit | edit source]
OOTP has two types of player creation modifiers, or 'PCMs': traditional OOTP PCMs, and Sabermetric PCMs. Player creation modifiers allow you to customize the skills of all players created in a particular league. For example, you could use player creation modifiers to make all players created in your league extremely powerful. Most players of OOTP should never need to adjust these numbers. By default, OOTP generates realistic players in every era. However, if you wish to change the nature of the players in your leagues, read on for more information.
PCMs are set as percentages, with 1.000 being the default value. To change PCMs, increase or decrease a modifier. For example, setting Batting Contact to 1.500 will generate players who are significantly better than the default at making contact with the ball. Each modifier impacts one player rating.
Traditional OOTP PCMs affect the strength of major leagues relative to each other, in terms of the current and potential ratings of their players. For instance, if you have two major leagues in your universe, and one has the default Traditional OOTP PCM value of 1.000 for Home Run Power, while the other has a Traditional OOTP PCM value of 0.500 for Home Run Power, then Home Run Power potential and ratings in the second league will be roughly half that of the first. Traditional OOTP PCMs affect both the quality of players generated when the league is first created and the quality of new players created for that league's draft or college and high school feeder leagues.
Traditional OOTP PCMs cascade down through a league system, so that a parent league and all affiliated leagues rolling up to it share the same player creation modifiers.
Sabermetric Player Creation Modifiers[edit | edit source]
Sabermetric PCMs can be used for either major leagues or minor leagues, but they are recommended for minor league use only because of their more unpredictable results compared to Traditional OOTP PCMs. When used for minor leagues, Sabermetric PCMs affect only the quality of players generated when the league is first created. They do not affect the quality of new players created in subsequent years - that aspect is controlled solely by the PCM's used by the relevant major league. During initial league creation, the effects of minor league PCM's are cumulative with major league PCM's, so that players created for a AAA league affiliated to a major league with PCM's of 0.5 across the board will be about half as good as players created for a AAA league affiliated to a major league with PCM's of 1.0 across the board, assuming that both AAA leagues have the same minor league PCM's.