OOTP Baseball:Perfect Team/Card Combinator
Welcome to the Card Combinator!
This feature enables you to merge cards that share a link with a chosen Combinator Series card, rewarding you with Combinator Points the closer the cards are related to each other. These points can be used to unlock incremental boost levels for the Combinator Series card, enhancing its attributes and, consequently, its performance in the game. The enhancement can reach up to a maximum of 5 boost levels, each level offering a significant improvement to the card's ratings.
How do you get Combinator Cards?
Cards when pulled from a pack have a chance of being pulled as a combinator card. Combinator Series cards overall value does not change, but the component ratings (power, eye, stuff, control, etc...) will increase depending on which combinator level the card has been boosted to.
How do I boost this card I got to get it to these different levels?
In the game, we have something called the Card Combinator. This is where you’ll be boosting your cards to get them to these different levels. You can access it from the PT home page on a tab.
To start combinating a card, click on the card you want to boost from the dropdown on the left side of your screen. All the combinator cards you own that aren’t fully boosted to Level 5 will be listed here.
Once you select a Combinator Card you want to attempt to boost, you will see a list of historical cards in your collection on the right side of the screen that can be used to combinate with the card, each with different point values attached to them. These point values take into account several factors:
- Teammates (This is what people consider to be one of the most valuable attributes for boosting; the longer a card has been a teammate with the Combinator Card you want to boost, the more value it has.)
- The team of the card (Sharing a team with the card in question gives it more value; however, due to technical limitations, at this time teams in the same franchise but with different locations or team names in their history, like the Brooklyn Dodgers/Los Angeles Dodgers and St. Louis Browns/Baltimore Orioles, do not give this boost)
- The decade/year of the card (Cards that played in the same decade/year as the card in question gives it more value for boosting.)
- Card Type (Having the same card type, like All-Star, Snapshot, or Hardware Heroes, gives the card more value for a boost.)
- Combining a combinator card with other Combinator Cards can also give a decent amount of points for combinating as well.
This result of the point value is then multiplied with a factor based on the OVR and whether or not the card is a Live one.
However, while many cards can be used to combinate with a Combinator, Live cards below Gold and cards on your active roster cannot be used to combinate a card. You can use up to 500 cards in any boost attempt.
The better the relationship score based on the above factors, the higher the amount of points they are worth in any boost attempt.
How many points are required in an attempt?
This varies depending on the overall of the card you are boosting, as well as what level of the card you are trying to reach. The translation of points to what percent chance that yields is not a direct scale - if the 100% chance is 6000 points, 1000 points will not necessarily mean you have a 16% chance. The actual odds you have is listed on the page when submitting the attempt.
What happens to the cards I use to attempt a boost?
Any cards used to attempt a boost of a Combinator Card will be removed from your collection. It is advised to be cautious with your boost, and boost when you believe you’ll have a good chance of success. Depending on personal preference, you can wait until you get to 100% to boost, or you can submit with much smaller odds.
Locked cards for collections/missions are eligible to be used to combinate a card as well, but these will also be removed from your collection once used. They do not impact missions that have already been completed, but if the card is used in a mission later, you would need to acquire it again to use in that future mission.
Can I use these cards in league and tourney play?
You can use Combinator Cards in league and tournament play. For tournaments, the level they are currently at in league play is the level they’ll be at for the tourney. If the level of a card is increased in league play, the level of the card will be increased in tourneys, including active tournaments.
Note that some tournaments have limits in place, where you may be allowed none, 1, 5, or any number of combinator cards.
What else can I do with combinator cards?
Combinator cards cannot be quicksold. You can sell them on their own auction house. If sold, they will return to be a level 0 card, in which case the person who buys the card can attempt to increase its level. Combinator cards may be locked to use in collection missions, just like regular cards.
If you do not want to use combinator cards, you do not have to. If you wish, you can use the action menu on the player card to remove its combinator status. This is not reversible, and will allow the cards to be sold on the regular auction house or quicksold.