Team and League Logos

From OOTP Wiki
This is the approved revision of this page, as well as being the most recent.

When you create a saved game in OOTP, OOTP automatically generates a very basic new logo for your league and for all teams in your game world. From there, you can modify team colors, uniforms, and more via the Team Colors, Logos, and Uniforms page. But it's also possible to load custom logos for use in OOTP. With many talented artists in the OOTP community, many people choose this route, which really adds another level of realism to your game. These logos appear throughout the game, and in HTML reports as well. You can also create custom logos for each league in your saved game.

This section of the manual is intended for people who are planning on creating custom logos. Using custom logos that someone else created isn't very difficult, and is explained in the Team Colors, Logos, and Uniforms page. Customizing logos requires a decent understanding of graphics editing. This guide will attempt to simplify some of the more complicated aspects of graphics editing, but overall, we assume that you have access to a graphics editing tool such as Adobe Photoshop, and that you have some understanding of graphics editing.

This section of the manual covers the following topics:

  • Logo Basics
  • About Logo Graphics
  • Logo File Naming Conventions
  • Logos in Practice
  • Converting Old Logos