OOTP Baseball talk:Important Game Concepts/The Player Model/Player Positions and Roles

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Revision as of 12:47, 28 December 2024 by Brad K (talk | contribs) (Addition information with question of whether to post documentation)

I don't see the information I submitted earlier concerning learning defensive positions in games with historical players and recalc. If it is thought there are errors in what I wrote, let's discuss so I can correct them.

Yes, there error is, each time the player is recalculated, anything not on that players datapoint in the database, will be reset. So, if the player only played LF but you trained them into CF, that next off-season CF will be removed because they did not know CF in that given year. Now this DOES work if you are using the development engine only, but each season, 3 years or 5 years (Depending on your recalc settings) anything that the player did not know in real life, will be removed, so that is why I removed that part from the Wiki, because it is not how recalc and position ratings work. Same with any development that happens (If the development engine is being used in conjunction to recalc) as soon as the players are recalculated in the off-season, all increases or decreases in the players ratings are reset to the recalc datapoint in the database.

That's not my experience. Several times I have trained Roberto Clemente to play CF and he retained his ratings for a number of years. He only declined at the position when his basic ratings for range, error, etc declined. Please check this and then reinstate me edits. My setting when this happened was 3 year recalc and fielding on 3 year with development on. Please recall that "forever" this was the default setting for historical games.

I tested this with development off. Three year recalc. CF ratings started at 0. Full season at position resulted in rating of 9 (1-20 scale). Jan 2 following year rating stayed at 9. What I wrote is correct for recalc with and without dev.

File:1964 test no development 1964-04-12 17-05-26.jpg

File:1964 test no development 1964-10-13 17-10-29.jpg

File:1964 test no development 1965-01-02 17-13-18.jpg

I tested one year recalc no dev one year fielding. The end of season CF rating is retained for opening day the next year. Are there any other combinations I should test?

Why doesn't the wiki identify who posts to talk? This I believe I'm communicating with twins but how would someone else coming into this discussion know who was involved? It might even be they couldn't immediately discern when a person's post stopped and another person's post begins. I hope this is due to a software setting that can be changed, not due to an error in the software. ---- Brad K.

Then explain what you found out here. Delete everything else and explain your findings here, as that's what the discussion section is for. The main part of the wiki is for the basic info. For more in detailed info and things users find out, goes in here. Just like something someone else changed started going into detail of how hitting works, that's not for the main wiki, but for this section. So please, delete everything here and post your findings in this section.

I don't know what more there is to explain. With recalc on and develpoment either on or off, players can trained to play positions in the same category (IF, OF, C) as their rated position. Despite what is stated in the paragraph about the defensive spectrum, they cannot be trained to play positions in easier positions that are in categories they didn't play real life during the rating period. They don't lose ratings in learned positions every time they're recalced.

In my current save Dick McAuliffe has a rating in 1970 at SS, a position he didn't play historically after I believe 1964. The computer manager played Carl Yaztrzemski and Tony Oliva in CF for a number of years. Do you want me to post screen shots?