Roster Functions

From OOTP Wiki

The following functions can be found in the Roster Functions section of the League Functions page:

Option Description
Run computer manager on all teams Asks the computer to review all teams in the league and make any roster changes it feels are necessary. You could use this, for example, if you have made changes to a computer's team, and would like to revert those changes.
Clear Rosters Clears all rosters in this league and dumps players into the free agent pool.
Fill Teams with Fictional Players Fills up all teams in this league with generated fictional players up to the roster limit.
Release all coaches & Scouts Releases all team personal of this league and dumps them into the personal free agent pool.
Fill Teams with Fictional Coaches / Scouts Fills up all teams with generated fictional coaches / scouts.
Set all teams to NOT allow AI roster changes Prevents the AI from making any roster changes to any teams in the selected league and any affiliated leagues. This is typically only used by players who wish to control every aspect of every team throughout their leagues.
Set all computer teams to allow AI roster changes. Restores the ability of the AI to control non-human teams.
Set all teams to being controlled by (You) Puts the currently active manager identity in charge of all teams in the selected league and any affiliated leagues. This is useful when you want no AI moves at all, and want the game to act as if you were managing every single team.
Set all teams to AI-Control, Fire Human managers This sets all teams back to being AI-owned and controlled.

Note: Roster functions affect the currently selected league, AND any affiliated minor leagues if the currently selected league is a parent league! Make sure that the league you wish to change is listed as the "Selected League" under the tabs at the top of the page!