OOTP Baseball:Customizing OOTP/Customizable Data Folder
OOTP's moddable files are located in the customizable data folder.
The default installation path for this folder is:
Steam Version: [DRIVE]:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Out of the Park Baseball 25\data
Standalone Version (Fastspring): [DRIVE]:\Program Files (x86)\Out of the Park Baseball 25\data
Mac Standalone Version: /Users/[USERNAME]Library/Containers/com.ootpdevelopments.ootp26macqlm/Data/Application Support/Out of the Park Developments/OOTP Baseball 26
Mac Steam Version: /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Out of the Park Baseball 26/data
The folder can easily be found in the Troubleshooting tab of the Game Settings Menu.